AOL Rec/Lib, etc. This file consists of some very basic AOL info on recs/libs etc. This is for Macintosh users, though still good reading for PC users, considering PC users call recs and libs invoke numbers. This guide is meant to be used with AOL 2.x. NOT AOL 3.0. AOL has gotten smarter and somehow "hid" the stuff presented in this guide. AOL 3.0 uses the fdo 91 format, I think... Mystery Tool I advise downloading the Mystery Tool. A great tool written by The Mystery Vortex. It has the basic rec/lib, token, enter private room, request new and classic message boards, fdo's, etc. You will need the Mystery Tool if you want to understand the rest of this. You can get the original mystery tool either included in this issue or at The Weasel's site: I have found that almost half of the live links in the original mystery tool do not work. You can get my version included in this issue or at my www site: Recs and Libs Records and library's go hand in hand. AOL is made up of them. You see, every time you access ANY forum on AOL, your software is simply telling AOL to get a specific library and a specific record. Library's can only be up to two digits, (0-99). Records can be up to ten digits (0-9999999999). Anyway, every time you do something your software is requesting a library and record (yes sometimes tokens too). So what's the big deal? By exploiting recs/libs it is possible to access anything you can think of on AOL. The main libs which contain areas are 40,17, and 32. Even if you don't have an AOL account it is still possible to scan recs and libs. Sign on aol as a guest then when it asks you for the guest info close that dialog box (must have no menu dim) and you can request recs/libs. Do not try to do anything like send mail though because you will get kicked off. Well since AOL is so smart they put the request rec/lib and token feature in their ONLINE DATABASE FILE...all we have to do is uncover that data. Since this is not a ResEdit guide I will not go into detail, but the resource is DB15 101 - Send Token 102 - Request rec/lib I recommend searching in Lib 40. Try Lib 40 Rec 1489, a VERY old AOL staff area. Tokens A token does basically the same thing as recs and libs do. The only difference is that tokens are used to "DO SOMETHING". What I mean is that tokens tell aol to get your mail, log you off for scrolling, take you into the free area things like that...That is about all you need to know, tokens CAN be useful but for the most part they are pretty pointless to you. Note: Tokens can be DANGEROUS, for instance if you send the token "LO" and any data your account gets signed off. Don't try sending token u2 any data, you will get screwed over. To get a detailed explanation of all the tokens and what they do go to my web site: FDO'S FDO'S are like a picture, you can visit the place you took a picture of ANY time, but once the landscape, scenery, whatever, changes the picture is old and useless. This is exactly the same with FDO'S, except think of an FDO as a ticket to go to a specified area any time you want, but when the specified area changes (specified area on AOL would be a forum or something) the ticket is useless, unless you want to go to an old area. FDO's are similar to a bookmark in Netscape but the problem with FDO's is that when the area get's updated your FDO (or bookmark) is still of the old forum (site). Though they are still very useful. Say you found this really top secret aol staff area at keyword "happy" but you were afraid AOL would soon shut it down to you. No problem you can simply make an FDO of keyword "happy". So you are free to go there any time you please. 1. Hit cmd-K then select Capture form from the Mystery menu. 2. Type in "happy" in the keyword window. 3. Hit return. 4. Save the FDO# 0 on your hard drive. 5. Now open the FDO# 0. Nothing happens, exciting huh? The reason nothing happened is because you haven't told your software to get the resource. 6. Hit cmd-U. This should bring up a dialog box that asks for a resource type and ID. 7. Enter DB00 for the Resource Type. 8. Enter 1 for the Resource ID. This tells your software to open resource DB00 ID 1 (which is the saved keyword happy) If you have gotten this far and think that recs and libs are stupid YOU ARE WRONG! Recs and libs are not stupid. There was a major hole on AOL that was exploited by using recs and libs. It had to do with the way AOL had members sign up. When you create an account it asks you for a few things. Well after you enter your personal information. It takes you to the credit card bull shit. After you are done entering your credit card info it asks you to create a screen name...Well what a clever little person did was simply enter his personal info, then when it asked him for his credit card info he closed that window (no menu dim). Then requested the rec/lib for the "Create your main screen name" window. This would create an account with no billing information. Over 500 accounts were created by doing this. Don't try it though, they have fixed that hole. The Guide Program: I don't think guides actually use this program but it is useful. Enter a guides screen name and it will tell you their master SN, when they became a guide, and their full name. The Guide Program can be obtained bundled with this issue or at: When it asks for a password enter "PassworD". No Quotes. Misc stuff... Keyword:aol://2719:2-2-aol sucks Will take you to private room "aol sucks" Keyword:aol://9293:TOSEmail1 Will pop up a window so you can IM TOSEmail1 The following message was obtained from the ARC (An AOL staff area) I am writing you with some troubling but important news. AOL has been cooperating with the FBI on an investigation related to child pornography Individuals were trading graphic files containing what appeared to be child pornography through email, and there is an ongoing investigation. AOL has been served with subpoenas and will continue to cooperate fully on tracking down and apprehending these individuals. Our policy is clear: all private communications -- including electronic mail, instant messages and private chat rooms -- are strictly private and we do not and will not monitor any private communications. But, if we are alerted to a potential offense by our members, we act swiftly to enforce the AOL Terms of Service and federal and state laws. If material is forwarded to us which we believe is illegal, we notify law enforcement and upon receipt of a court order or subpoena, we cooperate fully. That is exactly what happened in this most recent incident. Please know that while we will uphold our member's privacy, we do not condone illegal activity on AOL and will vigorously protect our AOL community. Security Cautions: There are many paranoid people that think AOL is going to track them down for trading warez. THIS HAS HAPPENED, but it is VERY unlikely that something of this nature would occur. Some security cautions to take if you are doing anything illegal on AOL: 1. Always use *67, (blocks caller ID tracing) 2. Always use Sprint Net numbers (AOL needs 3 court orders to trace your line if you are on AOL via Sprint Net) 3. Never connect via TCP (unless you carded ISP access) 4. You don't need to prove to anyone that you are Leet. It will just get you into trouble. 5. Don't card stuff. I am not positive but I think AOL has gotten stricter on this. 6. NEVER use your real account to trade warez. 7. Hell never use your real account at all! 8. Don't download warez if you have a modem less than 14.4 bps 9. If you have someone else's credit card do not think about using it to create an AOL account. My friends mom had her credit card stolen, a month later an AOL bill came in the mail. She called AOL and asked them about it. The guy just happened to be signed on at that time and they traced him. L8erz: I think that's about it for now...I will try to type up some stuff on how to make your own AOL area. -Void